
1. Resisting control or authority.
2. Pertaining to or characteristic of rebels or rebellion.
3. Showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention.



1. A person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler. 

Restoring power to the people. Standing in truth and doing away with propaganda: Information of biased or misleading nature. A "Rebel" represents power and free-will. A person, or group of people, who do not follow the masses. Set yourself apart, as a free-thinker. Leaders lead the way.

A Note from the Creative Director and Founder :

The Rebellious Co. is much more than just another clothing company. It has been strategically designed to empower you to be yourself and take control of your life. Don't allow others to take control of you. Think for yourself against the ideals of society that demand you fall in-line with everyone else. A Rebel doesn't follow the masses blindly. Rebels are highly intelligent individuals who are self-disciplined, self-aware and natural born leaders. You create the change that is felt by everyone from around the world forever. 
You never have to apologize for being you.
The first important formula to success is knowing who you are. Individuality. Being comfortable in your own skin. Wear your own unique identity like clothing.

The second important formula is knowing you look GOOD. Self-awareness is attractive. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good nothing stands in your way. 

Your style means everything. It's your confidence, it's your character, it's your swag. Your style is the first chance of people seeing who you are.
Wear it proudly.

Who ever you choose to be, BE YOURSELF.
There will NEVER be another you.

Dream BiG | Be Yourself | Live Rebellious

"Rebellious", "Rebel" and "Rebel & Rebel" are all registered trademarks of the Bell e Media Group, LLC. DBA The Rebellious Co.
